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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Are we there yet?

We left Myrtle Beach this morning at 5:30. We packed up, picked up the kids, carried them to the car in hopes that they would sleep the first few hours of the drive.


They were so excited by driving in the dark that it became a contest to see who could see what sights first:

Pointing to a radio tower:
Lyla: "Cade, I see the North Star! Do you?!"

We finally gave up, served up Pirate Booty and turned on the DVDs.

Cade has finally fallen asleep - before giving in, he started covering himself with his covie:

Finally, Miss Q. is asleep too:

Lyla: "Cade, we're halfway home!"
Cade: "Can we get out now?"

Lyla: "Daddy, we're half of a pizza home."

And, Daddy, by the way, is driving with a determination resembling a bat out of hell. He doesn't want to stop, and he keeps talking about making it another hour and a half before we can get out of the car.

4 more hours...

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:The Road

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