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Friday, October 27, 2017

The Long Ride Home

Preboarding with peanut allergies, delays, gate changes, a couple of minor breakdowns...and we’re almost home. 

We were able to witness a Veterans Commemoration on the plane deboarding right before ours, which was really special. Both kids stopped what they were doing and clapped. 

Of course, the succession of elderly Vietnam and Korean vets resulted in some inquiries from Cade:

“How did the fight (for our country) if they’re in wheelchairs?”

“Why are they just getting back from the war?”

I think we’re all a little happy to be headed home, but it sure was amazing to experience a little magic over the last week.

Great memories for all of us. 

Day 5 - Last Day in MK

Last days of vacation are always hard for us...both kids wanted to run around Disney replaying their favorite rides. Cade wanted to go back in time again on Spaceship Earth in Epcot, and Lyla wanted to relive Expedition Everest in AK. 

First things first, we did catch Space Mountain at Park Opening, which was fun to be present for. I loved how Mickey opened the park for the day with Bippity Boppedy Boo!.

We ultimately decided to stick with the plan and spend the day in MK, ride Mine Train again as well as Peter Pan’s Flight. It was the best decision because the kids discovered Swiss Family Robinson’s treehouse as well as a treasure hunt in Adventure Land. We all had so much fun with this. 

We did a few more rides, including the Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Carribean, the People Mover, and the Haunted Mansion. 

We left around 6, and there were a few tears shed by Lyla who really didn’t want to leave Disney. The bus ride to the hotel was difficult, but we all rallied when we ran into Pat & Lyndsay, and ultimately, we headed upstairs to prepare for the journey home tomorrow.

I have decided that Disney really is magic, and I didn’t think so before this trip. But the truth is, magic of the very best kind is going home with us tomorrow. I love these 2 little people, and spending this time with them is what really made this trip so special, so utterly magical.

Day 4 - Epcot

We were supposed to sleep late this morning, but Cade had other ideas. Since we had an unexpected early start, we decided to head straight to Test Track in hopes of getting in before the crowd. It worked, and we loved the ride! We had so much fun that we ended up riding it again later in the evening.

The kids loved the after Test Track activities- climbing in and out of new cars, making TV commercials for the car you designed. 

Our hotel is so close to Epcot, and Cade was in break down mode, so we decided to take an afternoon break. Here’s what Cade decided to watch on the iPad:

The weather remarkably cool here. We wore pants and sweaters this evening. An amazing night!

Disney Day 3 Hollywood Studios & Epcot

The kids were particularly rambunctious before bed the night before Jedi Training at HS. 

Me: “Guys, if y’all don’t go to bed, we won’t make it to Jedi Training in the am!”

The kids kept giggling and talking.

Me: “Ok, if this doesn’t stop I’m calling it on Darth Vader. No training tomorrow!”

Cade: “What?! You’ve got Darth Vader’s phone number?!”

We all laughed uncontrollably.

Hollywood Studios is a Star Wars Mecca. It was so much fun watching the Storm Troopers patrol the park:

Jedi Training was one of the highlights of the trip. It was so well done and special for both kids. We were so happy there early enough to register. Training was scheduled for 12:40. 

We ran into Cade’s classmate, Conner, at registration. Cade, nonchalantly, “That boy over there is in my class.”

The kids walked to the stage chanting they were Jedi’s:

Both kids took on Kylo Ren. They did a great job and were so proud. Cade begged to do it again as soon as we finished:

The only hitch in the day was that Cade was complaining of foot pain, which resulted in a visit to the local urgentcare this afternoon. It was a painful (and long) process, but we were all relieved that the X-rays showed no issues with his foot - we were worried about more Kohler’s issues with the other foot. 

Lyla & I went over to Epcot for the afternoon, and Daddy & Cade joined us right after they got back. We had a great evening. 

Lyla & I discovered a colors exhibit, and she loved painting with a “magic paintbrush”.

We also enjoyed taking Cade to Spaceship Earth and the exhibits after. He loved “going back in time”:

We capped off the day with a trip to Soarin’, which we loved. What an amazing experience!

Another fantastic day at Disney! Hoping to catch Test Track in the morning!

Disney Day 2: Animal Kingdom

AK proved to be one of our favorite experiences of the trip. It’s a beautiful park, which was something I didn’t expect. 

We really enjoyed our Safari and got to see several animals in their real life settings. 

The highlight of the day was spending time with the Walker family and “the twins”, 2 of Lyla’s favorite friends. I just love these girls together. There is so much giggling when they’re with each other. 

AK is home to one of the most insane roller coasters I’ve ever been on: Expedition Everest. I hated it. Lyla and Lance, on the other hand, loved it. Lyla loved it so much so that she and Lance rode it again, with the twins. Cade and I sat that one out and headed to the dinosaur excavation site. Cade said that at age 5 and a half, he should only ride Everest one time per day.

At the excavation site:

We were so happy we got to watch the Lion King together:

And brave the next rainstorm:

It was so hard to separate them!

Fantastic day!

Disney Day 1, Part 2

We also rode Seven Dwarfs Mine Train today...we all loved it. It was a great coaster for all of us:

I know it doesn’t look like it here, but I really loved the ride. 

The day ended with a dinner with Cinderella and her wicked stepsisters. It was a chore getting there...it started raining just as we were leaving MK. We were so impressed that the parade kept going in spite of the rain, and the dancers kept smiling. We tried to keep smiling too, but it wasn’t easy. We threw rain jackets and raced for dinner. 

It was hilarious when Darth Vader walked into a room full of princesses:

Moana & Vader had a great time meeting the Cinderella family. The stepsisters were hilarious. 

Great ending to a great day. MK is a bit overwhelming, so we had to work out a few kinks along the way, but we did it. 

I just love these 3. 

Disney Part 1

It was one of my most favorite trips of all time. It was so exhausting, in fact, that there was no time or energy to blog throughout. Here are a few of our favorite family moments in the next few posts:

Magic Kingdom, Day 1

We took a round about way to MK, which we regretted in the end, but we learned a lot on this trip. Here we are zipping through the monorail, trying to make it to our first Fast Pass:

Lyla & Cade loved this robot, who loved Lyla’s Shopkins T-shirt. “Scan you later,” he said. 

Lyla & Cade were cast as The Beast and a neighing horse in Tales of Belle. They both did a fantastic job, although Lyla noted that Cade was more convincing in his “audition” than when he actually took the stage.

An amendment to It’s A Small World, at the end. Lyla noted that my name probably wasn’t included because my magic band was turned downward.  Lyla didn’t think she would like the ride, but ultimately said she really loved it.