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Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Long Ride Home

On our way home now. Not a bad drive, just 8 1/2 hours. Going home to see how the floors look after being repaired after the water leak from our dishwasher.

It was such a good trip, but happy Lyla left with no tears this am. Here are a few photos I took of our suite before we left. It was huge.

Time to start thinking of backpacks, lunchboxes and the Fall. Sigh.

I can’t wait to start planning our next trip together!

DC Rewind Day 3

Day 3 - August 3, 2018

We started the day at the National Mall - at the Lincoln Memorial. It was a long walk, but well worth it in end. Here are a few photos:

We walked through George Washington U on the way:

Lincoln Memorial:

DC in Rewind Day 2

Wow...DC was amazing, but it was a tiring few days. Lyla was so tired after the first day, she went to bed at 6 pm and slept through the night! 

Day 2 - Aug 2
We started the day with a trip to National Museum of Natural History. It was amazing! Dino bones, arrowheads and narwhals! 

Here are a few photos:

After an ice cream break, we headed to the Spy Museum. The kids got alter identities and crawled through a vent in the museum. It was a great time!

We ended the day with a 45 min train ride to Tysons Corner to eat dinner and visit American Girl and the LEGO store. It was a great night.

Here are a few Metro photos. The first is the crazy high escalator Lyla climbed every time outside our hotel. 

Another great day with this beautiful family of mine!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Traveling to DC

I didn’t blog yesterday - we spent the whole day at the ocean. It was fantastic. We played in the waves all day, until we were all exhausted and sunburned. It was one of my favorite days. 

A few of my favorite Cadeisms of the day:

“I guess if I’m good at breaking stuff, I should become a locksmith.”

When Lyla refused to share something with Cade: “Lyla sure is a greedy girl today.”

When he decided to lure seagulls to the beach with pretzels, he insisted on taking his (small) crab net with him:
“I want to catch the seagulls with it.”

Eggless ice cream from the ice cream truck:

Today has been a bit more arduous. We left Ocean City at 5:30 am and drove to DC. We had a WH Tour scheduled for 11:30, so getting to the hotel and to our meeting spot by 11:30 took everything we had, but we made it.

Seeing history like this was so much fun - I’m hoping the kids will always remember having the experience.

Me, before we left the hotel: “Cade, make sure you go to the bathroom. There are no bathrooms at the White House.”

Cade: “Then where does Donald Trump go to the bathroom?”


We enjoyed the kids’ first subway ride. (“How long will it take to get there?”) They were troopers as always:

Here are a few photos from the WH:

The highlight of their day was really swimming at the Omni. Cade was so excited to show the smaller kids there everything he can do.

Our hotel is amazing. Our room is so big that we have our own dining room! I love how old it is...the Beatles apparently played here in the 60s!

Lyla retired to bed around 6, complaining that she didn’t feel well. Praying she’s better tomorrow.

Hoping to hit the Spy Museum tomorrow. Looks like a rainy one.