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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Few Hott Updates

I’m really not abandoning this blog. I swear.

This has been the busiest summer of our lives with our pregnancy, Lyla and, of course, house building. We are now believers that building a house can be one of life’s most stressful events…not sure what we were thinking of or if we would do it again. I’ll have to revisit this topic in a few months.

Summer Photo Updates:

The most important news: IT’S A BOY!! We were thrilled to find out in June that Lyla is going to have a Little Brother. Wow!


Really, a boy or girl would have been more than fine with us both, but Lance had a certain glow that day in June. It was a spectacular, thrilling day, and we couldn’t be more excited!


And, on the house front, here’s a photo from early July. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s coming along. Right now, they’re working on the trim inside and finishing the outside. Our builder is projecting mid-Sept. to early Oct. for a move-in date. We’re betting on October.


We had a great 4th with the Hottman’s, and took a long overdue family photo – hard to believe that this time 2 years ago there were NO babies, and now there are 4 girls! Our Lil’ Hottie is going to be in for an interesting ride. Fortunate for him, on my side of the family, my cousin Sarah is expecting a little boy just 2 weeks before our due date.


The girls enjoyed an afternoon stroller ride with their Daddies:


We enjoyed a long overdue trip to Urbana to see the girls and Martina. And, Lyla got her first haircut from Aunt Martina. It looks GREAT! :)




And, one of the reasons for my lack of attention to this blog is that we’ve tried to spend a few spare moments this summer just feeding the ducks and playing in the dirt:




It is a sweet summertime, for certain…one of the sweetest of all.