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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Water Slides & Upside Down Houses

Lyla told Cade he couldn't back out of it, and true to his word, Cade woke up this morning and went right down the big slide. He's so determined to do what his Big Sis does! 

We practiced Lyla's swimming all morning, and Daddy & Cade did some putt-putt.

This afternoon we decided to hang out at Broadway at the Beach to check out a cheesy beach attraction - Wonderworks upside down house. It had a few redeeming moments for Lyla & Cade, but is much better suited to older kids. The entrance alone was enough to give Lyla a nightmare or two. 

She was most excited to lay on a bed of nails - she said it was a little prickly on her back, but otherwise "ok":

They also really liked playing piano:

We really loved the Wonderwall exhibit. Guess who was standing behind these hilarious pins:

We ultimately (and happily) left this place as Cade was begging for a slushy. Much better:

Some cheesy rides:

Cade had a complete meltdown when we left. Lyla was frustrated with him saying that she didn't want to get in the car with a "fussy boy". Cade insists he's not tired. So, for the record, here's what "not tired" looks like:

Cade also struck up a relationship with the "maperator" today (aka operator). He loves calling her and asking her how her day is. Mercifully, she seems to enjoy these calls when Lance intercepts the phone:

Our day ended on the beach. The kids are really starting to love playing in the ocean. We have to hold them back from jumping right in. 

Quotes worth quoting today:

In the backseat, Lyla re: a conversation with her brother: "Cade understands me so well."

Cade: "Mommy! I saw a man on a motorcycle with no helmet! He was wearing the wrong clothes too. You wear black clothes on a motorcycle, and he was wearing gray."

Cade: "Are the Sharks going to eat us?"
Me: "No, Cade. We won't be near any sharks and if we were, I wouldn't let it anywhere near you."
Lyla: "Because you love us more than you love yourself?"

Yes, Miss Q., that pretty much sums it up. 

Great day at the beach. Just when you think it can't possibly get any better...

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