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Friday, July 31, 2015

Bears, Trucks & Sweets

After several trips down the slide this morning, jumping in the pool and swimming practice for Lyla, we headed out to Build a Bear at Lyla's insistence. It was really, really fun.

Cade decided to get a remote control truck in lieu of a bear, which was a perfect decision for him. He loved putting it all together with Daddy:

This boy loves a screwdriver these days.

Lyla was very patient, but not as excited as her brother:

Lyla and I left this truck stuff to Daddy and set out to buy a frozen lemonade and find Build a Bear...we saw these (weird) planters en route:

Lyla was super excited to pick out her bear and put it all together. She chose one of Build a Bear's Honey Girls...the (very) purple lead singer:

She also informed Lance and I that none of the kids cared for the smurfs anymore as she pointed out a bin of unmade "bears" that kids had "changed their minds about". Lyla: "I would change my mind if I had picked this out too." I suppose smurfs are really out of fashion these days.

Incidentally, I showed this photo to Cade later and said I wasn't sure what he was doing in the background. His response: "I know, Mommy, I know what I was doing. I was killing a fly with my hands." Nice.

We dealt with a near disaster when Daddy took Cade into a candy/disco store (It'Sugar) that seemed to amp him up even more than normal. This (see photo below) happened when he ran head first into a shelf as he was trying to show me some candy bar-shaped pillows. Nice. I was relieved that Daddy was there to tell me this was no big deal because it certainly looks like it. Wow.

A sweet day ended in a family tradition that began with Cade's egg allergy diagnosis 2 vacations ago...homemade (egg free) ice cream at the beach:

Sweet, sweet summer days. 

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