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Monday, December 8, 2014

The Fairy Princess and Other Christmas Magic

I really don’t know if Christmas can get any better than this year, ages 3 & 5. Everything, and I mean everything, is pure magic to these two. 

Today we went to the Galt House Christmas festivities, and we were so lucky because we were the only ones there in the middle of the day - one of the advantages to Lance working such odd hours. The kids were literally awed by every bit of it: 

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Lyla was so looking forward to an encounter with the Snow Fairy Princess, and it was an unforgettable moment for us all. Here, Lyla and Cade are getting to making a wish for the first snow: 

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Our sweet girl was moved by the snow fairy, who I think is one of the most special people we’ve encountered. I’m so thankful for the special attention she gave Lyla today. 

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Lyla worked diligently to create the perfect snow flake card for the Fairy..she was so intent to do just this that she insisted on returning to the snow fairy’s castle before we left to make another card and hand deliver it to the Snow Fairy. The Fairy was obviously very touched by this and gave Lyla a special pink tiara comb in a white tulle bag. She said that she doesn’t give these to all the little girls - just the ones she knows have such a “kind heart”. 

It was a special moment for Lyla, and I’m so proud of her. 

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Here, they are riding the train - it was funny because Cade started in a car of his own, but hopped out of it the moment he saw Lyla in a different car…he wanted to be right with her: 

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Naughty Cade E. Bugg always finds something to get into - in this case, a trunk he instead on closing himself in: 

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Lyla the Snow Fairy Princess: 

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Me & Miss Q.:

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At the end of our visit, we had the chance to see the elves in action, but not before some Elf Games that Lyla & Cade got to play first. They had a great time. Cade was so impressed with the Elves’ dancing that he couldn’t take his eyes off their feet once they got started. 

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Lyla wanted to take a picture with the elves. She’s very proud of her candy cane as it was a prize for answering a question correctly - we were very impressed when she yelled out “Advent Calendar” correctly to one of the elves’ questions. Also of note here, the second elf to the right is Chip, and he says he is Elfie’s ex-college roommate - they went to EU together (Elf University). We were thrilled to meet someone who personally knows our Elf!

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Christmas with these two is magical. Really. 

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