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Thursday, November 8, 2012

On Hiatus…

So, I’ve really been on hiatus from the blog for several months now…there just isn’t the time to do anything I used to do. My days are completely full of our two beautiful babies, and by the time the evening rolls around I’m either exhausted or I barely have time to take a shower before I need to go to bed to do it all over again.

In spite of the frustration at times, the lack of personal time, the lack of basic communication with Lance and the rest of the world…our lives are fuller than they’ve ever been. I want to commit to being more devoted to recording the sweet moments, and even the frustrating ones…hopefully 2013 will bring about more opportunity to do it. Or, perhaps I just need to make it happen.

Current events in the Hottman Family:

Cade is walking. He’s delighted and it’s rocking Lyla’s world. It’s as if, overnight, we have 2 kids and NO babies. He’s everywhere. In the toilet, in Lyla’s room, in Lyla’s things, chewing on cords, in our bathroom…he’s absolutely thrilled that he can get around. And, even more recently, he’s started pointing. And, pointing means, “I want!” If the answer is no, he morphs into a baby beast. He screams, pulls my hair and will even throw himself on the ground, on his back as if he should be holding an electric guitar.

He’s amazing, though, our little boy. Having a son is even more than everyone said it would be. He’s cuddly, he’s loving and loves being held. He’s perfect.

And, Lyla is working on potty training. It gives us moments of tremendous joy – like when she announces she feels a tickle in her belly and successfully stays dry. It also brings us moments of intense stress – like tonight when she repeatedly complained that her bottom hurt and subsequently pooped in the bathtub.

She’s terribly independent, wants to do everything herself. And, she loves her brother. She’s nicknamed him Cade E. Bug. We love seeing her blossoming into the older sibling we both are. She’s absolute perfection.

So, that’s our lives right now. We are frantically busy, sometimes there is no time to slow down, but life is just as it should be. Hopefully, I’ll find a few minutes here and there to update this thing for my own point of reference years from now.

I love our little family. Every night I go to bed wondering what I did to end up here. We are so blessed.





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