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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hott Fam of 4 & More Updates

My blogging has been horrible lately for many reasons, but mostly because by the time I have the opportunity to write, I’m exhausted! But, I’m going to try harder because I want to remember as many moments as I can of this wonderful time in our family.

The Hottman’s will be come a Fam of 4 on November 18 or whereabouts. We’re ecstatic about the news and can’t wait to see Lyla as a Big Sister. The more we grow to know her, the more convinced we are that she was born to be a Big Sister. Last night she wanted to touch and feel my growing belly, and she knocked on it as if she wanted to see who was inside. She’s also been touching her own belly and saying, “Baby!”

Here are some pictures from her “Big Sister Photo Shoot” by Mommy:

First, there’s nothing more satisfying than a fist full of dirt for an 18 month old:



She loves to ask Lance and I to draw her triangles, squares and rainbows:


She’s really taken a new found interest in her baby. She spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to wrap her in a blanket, and she loves pushing her down the sidewalk in her shopping cart.






Here, she felt compelled to try out her baby’s new bed herself…I guess she just wanted to make sure it was really comfy for her:


Also on the Lil’ Hottie (as Lance has affectionately dubbed him or her) front, we will find out the gender in just one week on Friday, June 24. Lance is convinced we’re having another girl – I’m not so sure. This pregnancy has been a little different, a little rockier in terms of my wrecked skin and nausea…I’m wondering if this one is a boy. We’ll be thrilled either way. It’s so exciting to go to the ultrasound with no real expectations.

Lance started his new job for Team Health working for the Jewish System’s Saints Mary’s and Elizabeth earlier this month. So far, it’s been absolutely wonderful. I think he’s really happy in his new position, which has been really great for us all.

In other big news in our family, our house is really coming along. The roof is now on, and bricking should start sometime in the next few days. Building has been a fun process all in all, but it definitely has its stressful moments, Still, there’s nothing more exciting than seeing a plan come together.

Here are some photos:


Here, we were happy to have Steven, Lisa and Hollie come visit:


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