We started today with more time in the Lazy River. The kids love it, and so do we. It's a perfect place for Lyla to practice swimming, and she loves the slides too. Cade did really well today too - no complaining about his ear plugs, although I think he worries about getting his ears wet as it's caused him so much pain before.

Lyla loved doing the tie dye shirt activity today - we can't wait to see how it turns out:

The morning culminated in the activity the kids have been most looking forward to since discovering our condo on-line: the whipped cream eating contest. It was hilarious, and they both loved doing it together:

At lunchtime in the condo, the kids found a new game for tricking Mommy - throwing Cade's toy spiders into the shower while I was showering and throwing them on my feet. They thought it was soooo funny!
Then, this happened:

I don't know what prompted that, but I'm pretty happy about it.
This afternoon we headed out to Broadway at the Beach, a huge conglomeration of shops, restaurants, rides, etc. in spite of the sweltering heat, we had a great time.
Lyla has named herself family navigator. She gets annoyed by the car's GPS, saying that it distracts her from reading her map.
She assigned her brother navigating duties:
"Cade, you just need to rest and not talk. If anyone doesn't hear what I say, it's your job to tell th what I said."
Later, before we went into the shops, we reviewed our fit-throwing policy, which is that the shopping trip is over when a fit begins - even if Daddy throws the fit.
Cade (laughing): "Daddy, you don't throw fits, I throw fits!"
I'm glad he has such insight.
The kids (mainly Lyla) wanted to build a bear today, so we took them. It was so much fun!

They picked their bears hearts next:

Final stitching:

Final product:

Cade is most proud of his Bear's (whom he named 'Tootie') cell phone:

Other developments today:
Cade decided to put sunscreen in his hair - it's definitely a washing hair night:

And, Daddy got stung by a jellyfish during our evening beach time! He's ok, but it was pretty painful. We saw a jellyfish come in with the waves...when Daddy showed the kids, Cade immediately tried to stomp on it. We stopped him, and Lyla said, "Throw it back now, Daddy. It's too dangerous for Cade!"
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Myrtle Beach
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