We all feel that sense of achievement today...so much so that sleep is hard to come by as the excitement of vacation is finally here.
When we arrived at the condo today, some strange (and sudden) sense of maturity overtook Lyla. She dumped all her clothes on the floor and began unpacking, putting things in her dresser.

She told us that she didn't need to wear swimmies in the pool as she is now almost 5. She was so upset when we told her that swimmies are a must (particularly given that she can't swim completely).
We spent some time at the indoor water slides - Lyla loves the 3 ft. pool because she can walk anywhere without swimmies.
I'm relieved that Cade agreed to his ear plugs for a while...and then he wanted to go "building" in the sand. So, I took Cade while Lyla went down the water slide with Daddy.
The sea was even more mystic through the eyes of Cade.

He loved building with his new shovels and pails. The beauty of the experience was in moments like when he looked up at me and said, "We're having some 'boy time', Mommy." - an expression he usually reserves just for Daddy.
We played in the sand for awhile, and I asked him if he wanted to go into the ocean, expecting him to say no. Instead, I was met with an emphatic, "Yes!" - as he threw his shovel down. He held my hand, walked straight into the ocean with his sweet little feet and erupted into a fit of belly laughs when he felt the waves removing the sand from beneath his feet.
It was one of the sweetest moments I've ever experienced with him.
Later, he returned to building sand castles, burying Mommy's feet and pretending that he was the firefighter to rescue me:

As if life couldn't get any sweeter, I then heard, "Mommy!!!" I looked up and saw our sweet girl running toward us telling me all about her fun with Daddy:
- "We went down the slide, Mommy!"
-"We went in the lazy river!"
-"It was so fun!"
Lyla was more interested in the ocean tonight than ever before - we had to drag her out - she loved the waves.

The Beach is magical with these 2.
And my heart is so full of love for these 2 and their amazing Daddy that it just might burst!
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Myrtle Beach
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