And, Cade always finds something to get this case, he's obsessed with the telephones in the condo. We've since had to put them away as he loves wrapping himself up in them:

We finally made it down to the pool - Lyla could stay there for hours upon hours. She loves working on her swimming, and the slides could keep her busy for hours.
Here she is practicing with Daddy:

Cade had a great time this morning too. I'm so proud of him for consistently wearing his ear plugs with no complaining.
We had a poop incident in the pool which we had to handle, and Cade decided after all that, he needed a Cheetos break - it is vacation after all:

Quote worthy:
Lyla: "Mommy, I really do believe in mermaids."
Cade: " I can swim!" (Incidentally, we really do think he believes this... which is a little frightening)
Lyla, annoyed because she wanted Cade to return to the Lazy River: "Cade, all you want to do is sit there and eat !"
Tonight, hopefully - a visit to the Boardwalk.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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