Someone once said that this period of life is characterized by long days and short years. As we sit here tonight on the eve of the first day of school for Oldham County, I’m forced to consider that this time next year, Lance I will be awaiting the first day of school for our kindergartner tomorrow morning. This time next year will be Kindergarten Eve for us, which seems impossible to even fathom.
Where has the time gone? I know it’s cliche, but really, just yesterday I was bundled up in a warm old house in Cincinnati watching Lance trudge off to work while I held our baby in my arms. I just can’t believe it.
We are 8 days away from our family beach vacation to Myrtle Beach, and Lyla cut her foot yesterday in a freak, random walk around the neighborhood on the sidewalk. Here, Lance is bandaging it for her. I felt so happy when this happened to have him here to take care of everything. It’s just such a source of security.
Times are pretty crazy around here - today we dealt with a massive breakdown following a play date at Karalee’s when I refused to let Lyla carry home 8 of her rocks from her rock path. She completely lost it in a way I haven’t seen her lose it in months. I don’t know if it’s fatigue or end of summer burnout - I think it’s time to return to a schedule and routine, and let’s face it, these two need a break from each other.
Cade E. Bugg is quite the mess these days. He thrives on tearing things apart, driving everyone crazy through hitting, kicking, aggravating…I often don’t know what we’re going to do with him.
Yesterday, he announced to the ear doctor who was looking at his ear tubes (and incidentally, removed the one from the right ear) that Daddy has a sore on his bottom - a reference to a cyst on Daddy’s tail bone we’ve been dealing with the last few days. He also yelled this information across the street to a neighbor yesterday.
Most of the time he’s endearing, hilarious and just plain entertaining, but sometimes…he tests every ounce of patience in my tired body. And I’m so tired these days.
He’ll start 2 day 2’s after Labor Day. I think he’s ready. I think we’re all ready.
I think.
I know that once we begin, it will be with bittersweetness….our babies are growing up. I sure do love these 2.
Even through the fatigue and loss of patience, I know the house will be too quiet when they are gone to preschool, and I know I’ll be so grateful to bring them home where they belong.
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