Me: “Guys, if y’all don’t go to bed, we won’t make it to Jedi Training in the am!”
The kids kept giggling and talking.
Me: “Ok, if this doesn’t stop I’m calling it on Darth Vader. No training tomorrow!”
Cade: “What?! You’ve got Darth Vader’s phone number?!”
We all laughed uncontrollably.
Hollywood Studios is a Star Wars Mecca. It was so much fun watching the Storm Troopers patrol the park:
Jedi Training was one of the highlights of the trip. It was so well done and special for both kids. We were so happy there early enough to register. Training was scheduled for 12:40.
We ran into Cade’s classmate, Conner, at registration. Cade, nonchalantly, “That boy over there is in my class.”
The kids walked to the stage chanting they were Jedi’s:
Both kids took on Kylo Ren. They did a great job and were so proud. Cade begged to do it again as soon as we finished:
The only hitch in the day was that Cade was complaining of foot pain, which resulted in a visit to the local urgentcare this afternoon. It was a painful (and long) process, but we were all relieved that the X-rays showed no issues with his foot - we were worried about more Kohler’s issues with the other foot.
Lyla & I went over to Epcot for the afternoon, and Daddy & Cade joined us right after they got back. We had a great evening.
Lyla & I discovered a colors exhibit, and she loved painting with a “magic paintbrush”.
We also enjoyed taking Cade to Spaceship Earth and the exhibits after. He loved “going back in time”:
We capped off the day with a trip to Soarin’, which we loved. What an amazing experience!
Another fantastic day at Disney! Hoping to catch Test Track in the morning!
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