Today was the last day of Lyla's first round of "Big Girl" Swim Lessons - you know the kind, where Mommy & Daddy aren't in the water with her. She did great! We are so proud of her progress through her lessons with Miss Olivia. She is now swimming completely on her own with a backpack and a noodle, and she's getting closer to needing no flotation devices at all!
This is the closest (and most interested) Cade has been in the water - he loves watching his Big Sister, so much so that he had to be "rescued" from child care to come and watch her - and to spend time with beloved Daddy, of course. dd
Here she is getting ready to jump into the water:
Miss Olivia thinks it's funny that Lyla's first words after hitting the water: "It's really wet." Or, "It's still really wet!"
Lyla is really working on developing some good self confidence in the water - she's so proud of herself:
We think this could be a YMCA advertisement. Lyla loves Miss Olivia.