Happy Birthday to our dear Cade! It was a full day, and he enjoyed (almost) every moment.
We started the day with a chorus of Happy Birthday, birthday pancakes and a few gifts. Of course, Lyla was ever present through the entire celebration. She was a mixture of emotions today – sometimes it’s hard when the presents are for Baby Bro, although she’s starting to understand that she is accumulating more to play with herself.
We lit the kids’ birthday wreath, a special present from Aunt Martina.
Lyla helped blow out the candle for Cade.
Here, Cade plays with his very first birthday present from his sister. She picked it out herself just for his first birthday – a toy ambulance.
Cade also received a present from Aunt Baby – Lyla helped open it, and you can see Cade’s pointing finger – a sign of his approval.
Cade’s pointer is his main communication these days – it’s a gesture he uses ALL the time lately to signify what he wants when he sees it. And, if he doesn’t get it, he definitely makes his displeasure known.
Here, Cade took his 12 month photo for Mommy’s 1 year of Cade photo collection.
After church, we visited Nan & Nonnie for the afternoon. Cade got another chorus of Happy Birthday and this time celebrated with his very first taste of homemade chocolate ice cream, left over from his birthday party.
He wasn’t sure how he felt about it at first, but he quickly recovered.
Everyone knows that Nan LOVES giving her grandbabies ice cream.
All in all, it was a busy day commemorating one of the best two days of my life. I can’t believe that one year ago today, our little boy was a helpless newborn. Now, he’s walking, driving his sister crazy, talking, pointing and becoming his own little person. I never knew how much fun it would be to have a little boy – I love him in a way I never thought was possible.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy. I love you all the way to the moon. And back.
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