A lot has been going on in the life of Lyla Q. She had her first major fall last week at Aunt Ari’s house when she was reaching for a toy in Rand’s room. The end result was a quarter sized bruise on her forehead that I felt just horrible about. Thankfully, it’s already starting to diminish.
Also, Lyla is now taking 2 bottles a day in preparation for being completely weaned over the next couple of weeks. As you can see, it’s going swimmingly, and Lyla is enjoying the extra Daddy time. I am adjusting better than I thought I would - it helps that it's been so easy for her.
In other news, Lyla officially has her first word thanks to the noisy, barking dogs next door. She is enamored with them and wants to go out to see them whenever she can. She must feel safe shielded by the fence the neighbors (thankfully) installed prior to us moving into our house. Every time she hears them barking outside, she proclaims, “Doooog”. We’re not terribly fond of the dogs, but we do feel a certain affection for them for encouraging Lyla to express herself:
It’s been an extremely crazy weekend around here – Lyla had her first major sick episode Friday evening when she came down with a terrible bug that resulted in a prolonged coughing fit and a sleepless night spent in the ER. We got very worried when she had difficulty breathing, so we decided it was better to be on the safe side. She was also diagnosed with her first ear infection. By this writing, she’s feeling better, but I, on the other hand, now have the adult equivalent to what she had. I feel horrible!
Lyla’s illness definitely did not get in the way with her preoccupation with walking. Today, she officially started “cruising” our furniture. For the first time, I was able to step away from her long enough to take these photos. In the words of Grandpa Don, “Once she gets a little confidence, she’s going to take off…”
We think she looks so cute standing up.