Lyla hugs cousin Isabella
It's funny how life works out - Lance and I have been living in Cincinnati now for almost a year, and as we were contemplating what we were going to do about extending or terminating the one year lease on our rental house, a (rare) job opportunity arose for Lance in Louisville.
After not a lot of contemplation, really, we decided we are ready for Lyla to be closer to family and to be back home with many of our life-long friends whom we've missed dearly over the last few years. Lance hasn't lived in Louisville since before medical school, and it's been 5 years for me. Moving back will put us within 45 minutes of my family and in the same city with Lance's.
So, we're planning another move in just a couple of months. Lyla and I will move at the end of May, while Lance stays in Cincinnati to finish his contract with the ER group he's with currently.
I wouldn't trade living in Cincinnati and especially Columbus for the world. I've added to my "life-long friend list", and had amazing professional experiences. I have to admit, though, there's something about knowing that Lyla will really know her cousins and will grow up with our friends' kids that really draws us closer to home.
Interesting how your perspective changes when you have a baby. :)
Oh I am so excited for you... My sister lives there so I will have to plan a little trip this summer and we can have lunch!!