Lyla met her good friend Zoe this week. Zoe's mommy, Martina, is one of my best friends so it was very special for us to finally be together. We had slumber party, complete with our favorite Thai and tons of chocolate. We shopped, bought baby dresses and stayed up all night. We think it's particularly funny that the girls are more than 3 months apart (Zoe is almost 7 months), and they wear the same size! Lyla is a very healthy little girl.
We can't wait to do it again!
On the development front, Lyla has decided that she likes her crib. She gets very mad at Mommy & Daddy around 9 every evening if she is not promptly deposited in her new favorite spot with her blanket and beloved sound effects: the simultaneous flow of a waterfall and a simulation of her mommy's heart beat.
Meanwhile, we're scratching our heads trying to remember what we did before we weren't wooing a baby to sleep each night.
Don't worry, it won't take us long.
I bet Lyla and Zoe become best friends just like their Mommies!