So this family blog thing isn't going as well as I'd hoped - there just isn't time for anything anymore. Sleep is still a luxury, but we are trying to get more organized so that we are doing a better job of chronicling Lyla's first year.
A brief update: life is going very, very well. Our lives have been completely transformed. Our home is a little dustier, phone calls are harder and harder to return and I'm not as organized as I used to be...but Lyla is the light of my days. I wake up and feel completely blessed with joy that I get to spend the entire day with her.
She is now 3 1/2 months, and I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by. She is a completely different baby than the one who was born back in November. She smiles at everything, is losing her hair, and sleeps unreliably at night. She coos on a regular basis now and seems to have a lot she wants to say - some of my favorite moments are listening to her and her daddy cooing to each other - they have their own little conversations. :)
I'm going to try and do a better job of updating the blog, but I have to find the time somewhere. We'll see how that goes. Who knew how much time a little baby could take in a mommy's life?