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Friday, November 20, 2009

Today's Visit

Today's visit went well with Dr. Stamler. There's no major progress toward labor - in other words, no dilation. However, he was reassuring that this is all normal and that at 39 weeks, things are exactly where they should be.

If we are still pregnant next week, we'll go in for an ultrasound on Wednesday just to check things out. We'll be looking at induction if nothing changes in the next 10 days.

We are doing well here - just patiently waiting. Well, patiently probably isn't a very accurate descriptor here.

Ultrasound and next doctor's appointment is next Wednesday.

It's funny how things work out - we always assumed Lancina would be early, but it looks fairly certain that our little girl will most definitely be a Sagittarius. Traditional traits include: optimistic, fun-loving, jovial, straight forward, intellectual and philosophical.

Two more days, and Sagittarius it is. And, it looks like she's pretty intent on that herself. She's certainly in no hurry.


  1. I bet the full moon will get the process started. What does Lance say about full moons and craziness at work?

  2. Wow, your child's ultrasound looks jsut like the Saggitarius "star formation"...
    You'll be changing diapers any minute!!!
