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Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Here she is!!

Meet Lyla Quinn - 9 lbs. 3 oz., 22 inches long!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, November 26, 2009

She's Almost Here!

Yesterday we went in for an ultrasound as our little girl seems snug in her cocoon and is showing no definitive signs of arrival at almost 40 weeks.

According to the ultrasound, she is a very big girl, weighing in at almost 10 pounds. After consulting with our doctor, we've opted for a C-section, scheduled for Friday at 2:30. Of course, ultrasound weights tend to be a little off at this point in pregnancy, so she probably doesn't weigh that much in actuality. However, I'm not arguing the benefits of a C-section, and I just want her to enter the world as safely as possible.

Happy Thanksgiving. We are so blessed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today's Visit

Today's visit went well with Dr. Stamler. There's no major progress toward labor - in other words, no dilation. However, he was reassuring that this is all normal and that at 39 weeks, things are exactly where they should be.

If we are still pregnant next week, we'll go in for an ultrasound on Wednesday just to check things out. We'll be looking at induction if nothing changes in the next 10 days.

We are doing well here - just patiently waiting. Well, patiently probably isn't a very accurate descriptor here.

Ultrasound and next doctor's appointment is next Wednesday.

It's funny how things work out - we always assumed Lancina would be early, but it looks fairly certain that our little girl will most definitely be a Sagittarius. Traditional traits include: optimistic, fun-loving, jovial, straight forward, intellectual and philosophical.

Two more days, and Sagittarius it is. And, it looks like she's pretty intent on that herself. She's certainly in no hurry.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Still Waiting....

Photo is Lancina at 24 weeks engaged in her favorite in utero activity: playing with her toes. I think this is what's she's up to these days while we all bite our nails anticipating her arrival.

We're 10 days from our due date today, and Lancina seems to be quite settled in with no plans of an early entrance. I woke up this morning with a belly jutting out to the right, and I laughed to myself that she seems quite comfortable in there.

It's funny - every time Lance and I call our parents, they answer the phone with an element of happy alarm in their voices, and they respond with a little disappointment when we tell them there's no news. As everyone packs their bags and prepares for the big day (or night), little Lancina seems to be laughing at herself that she's just fine where she is for the moment. She's on her own schedule, and she doesn't seem terribly concerned with everyone else's excitement.

We started putting up the Christmas tree this weekend, and we plan to put the ornaments on tomorrow. That is, as long as Lancina doesn't decide to make her entry into the world tonight.

We'll see, but I'm not counting on it. I guess it kind of makes sense - perhaps she should just enjoy her worry free experience in utero. After all, there's plenty of time for the many "wonders of the world" awaiting her.

Friday, November 13, 2009

38 Weeks & Doctor's Appointment

Hello 38 weeks!

Looks like things are progressing. No dilation, but I'm 50% effaced. The doctor said it could happen at any time - tonight or in two weeks.

Lance and I are planning to spend the weekend together - he's off, and we think it will probably be our last lazy weekend together without Baby Lancina.

Next appointment (if I'm still pregnant) is next Friday. Here is last night's 37 week belly shot:

It's amazing to think about how much our lives are getting ready to change in such a short matter of time.

I couldn't be more happy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Beautiful Belly

Lancina with our beautiful Godson, Rand.

My friend Jill was a bit astonished when she visited a couple of weeks ago. We were walking through the mall and she said that she never realized how closely strangers seem to pay attention to pregnant women. Everywhere we went, we were met by downward stares toward my belly or by open commentary about it.

Admittedly, all this belly attention has been a bit hard for me to digest at times throughout my pregnancy. My very wise friend Martina has told me more than once that I need to love my belly and enjoy every moment of it. I have listened to this advice and have focused on appreciating every movement, every shape, and every hiccup from within.

My belly is big. Very big. I don't know if it's because Lancina is going to be a big girl or if it's because I'm so small, but there have been times when I've rammed into doorways or haven't been able to fit in spaces that were never a problem before. My sweet belly is always there, entering the room before me.

I've noticed that as our pregnancy has progressed, people, often complete strangers, are compelled to say whatever comes to mind about the size of my belly or about pregnancy in general. I've heard labor and delivery horror stories from random sales clerks at Gymboree, and I've been met with recollections of Thanksgiving birthdays that resulted in no turkey and dressing for the laboring mother.

I've decided that my belly is cause for celebration, no matter how you look at it. With that in mind, as I prepare to end this magical (and I use that word very purposefully because it really is a magical phase of life) chapter of our story, here are a few of my favorite belly comments:

1. "Is there just one in there or are there two?"

2. "That's some butterball you've got there!"

3. And my personal favorite, "How on earth do you keep from toppling forward?!" (Thanks, Steven. You're lucky that one made me laugh. Ha!)

I love my belly. I love everything about it, especially the miracle inside. And, I'm so blessed that she's big and healthy.

The other day, Aunt Shana said something characteristically prolific: "You're never alone right now, are you?"

That's a great way of putting it - Lancina is my constant companion, "hanging out" in there, waiting to make her entrance.

We really are in this together, and for that Lance & I feel blessed.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bring on the Nesting Complex!

People who know me well would say that I've been "nesting" for the past 5 months. While that may be true, these last 24 hours have brought on a type of energy and motivation I didn't dream possible - if only I could hold onto it!

Evidence I'm nesting:

1. I can't stop thinking about uses for Clorox Bleach wipes.

2. I can't buy enough rolls of toilet paper and paper towels. There's nothing more comforting than a great big stack of both.

3. I was completely consumed with making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies last night just so I could freeze the dough to bake them during the Holidays. I absolutely couldn't rest until it was done. And, I really didn't rest then either.

4. I can't stop thinking about various household products we need before Lancina arrives. I'm preoccupied with everything from buying extra spices to cleaning products. It's kind of like that feeling that you get when a big snow storm is coming - like you need to buy a bunch of milk because you're not going to be able to leave the house for a very long time.

5. Today I decided that the car absolutely had to be cleaned out and completely dusted. I mean, we absolutely can't bring home little Lancina in a car with a speck of dust- even though she's been riding in it for the last 9 months!

6. It is impossible for the house to be clean enough. I am compelled to dust, sweep, do laundry and then do it all over again.

So, just wondering, does "nesting" affect Dads? So far, I haven't seen much of an indication of that.

Labor Progress - not a whole lot to tell. Lancina is moving around a lot. I woke up this morning with a belly jutting out to a cute little right angle. Lately, she also really likes kicking around on my left side. She's got to be running out of room in there.

No contractions. Doctor's appointment on Friday.

Lance keeps asking Lancina about the "little deal" he made with her to be born on the 11th - he says that it will be much appreciated if she can get him out of a couple of night shifts at the hospital.

We'll see about that one. 18 days and counting...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Nursery

As Mom was leaving from her most recent Cincinnati visit, she said, "Well, the nursery is finished. All we need to do now is add a baby."

Our nursery is a compilation of a lot of meaningful things to both Lance and I. There's a lot of sentimentality and history in that room. And, it would have never been possible without the love of the most creative people I know: Shana & Martina.

Here are some pics:

Martina made the mobile, and she will also be making letters with the baby's name to go above the crib, which will be the last thing added since the name is still under wraps. The baby's nursery furniture actually belonged to my parents and was used for me and my sisters. We're really excited about getting to use these pieces for Lancina.

This little rocking chair was a gift from the Hottman's and it actually belonged to Don, Lance & Kip before it was passed to Lancina. It is perfect for her room. I can't wait to see her sitting in it!
Marlou the Owl (pictured below) was made by Aunt Shana, and her job is to oversee the nursery. She was inspired by our dearly departed grandmother who, like it or not, pretty much oversaw everything in the world too. Aunt Shana also made the nursery curtains.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Visit from Aunt Ang

We had a great visit with Aunt Angela the last few days. We did a lot of baby stuff, preparing for Lancina's arrival. Among other things, we visited Starbucks several times and checked out various baby stores in Cincy.

Angela is 18 weeks pregnant today - just 19 weeks behind Lancina. We are very excited about her next (gender discovery!) ultrasound - coming up in just a little over a week.

We put together the pack and play, which was a wonderful gift from Aunt Ari and Aunt Crystal. We're going to keep it downstairs so that we have a place for Lancina to sleep during the day.

Lance was very impressed with the pack and play and also a little relieved that Aunt Ang helped put it together as it was not a simple process! I was grateful she was there to educate me on the whole thing and had to stop her several times while putting it together to ask about the purpose of various attachments. I'm still not convinced that we are capable of taking it down and putting it back up without her supervision, but we'll see...this baby gear thing is really complicated for those of us who have had limited hands-on baby exposure for the last 35 years.

Wonder what that means about whether or not we'll be able to figure out the actual baby.

Uncle Scottie also stayed the night on Friday - he was in town working. I think he got a little jealous of all the pregnancy talk and decided to be pregnant himself.

I am feeling good overall - still tired, but very excited. Lancina is as active as ever - she had the hiccups today, and has been kicking around.

She celebrated reaching 37 weeks yesterday by one of her most acrobatic, active days ever. It was even a bit of a challenge to eat because I was so distracted by kneecaps and feet. I think maybe she's getting excited about coming out here.

20 days and counting...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Not Yet...

Our doctor's visit proved to be uneventful this week. No dilation yet. Lancina is head down, though, which is a good sign.

The doctor is predicting a 8.5 pound baby. Wow!

Next visit scheduled with Dr. Shutte on Friday, Nov. 13.

We're excited about a visit from Aunt Angela later today and through the weekend. We have lots of baby things to do!

Here's another 35 week ultrasound pic of Lancina's hair. If you look closely, I think there might be a curl or two there..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Awaiting Lancina: First Weekly Appt. Today!

Two more days until we're officially FULL TERM! It's hard to believe that we are finally almost here! Little Lancina will be here very soon, and we are so excited to welcome her to the world!

We are doing well - I am more tired now than I've been through the entire pregnancy, but I've managed to gather the energy to buy enough toilet paper and paper towels to last for the next few months. Ha!

My belly is growing and growing - I keep wondering if Lancina is going to run out of room in there. Here's our 35 week belly shot:

Lance is also very excited - he's "nesting" in his own way, paying close attention to my belly and Lancina's movements and hiccups. He wants to go look for a new Christmas tree today so that we'll have it for her first Christmas - (our current tree is too massive for our house!).

Today is our first weekly visit with the doctor - a real milestone. We are so excited to see if there's any progress toward the big day.

We have truly enjoyed every moment of our pregnancy, but we are really ready to meet our little girl.