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We put together the pack and play, which was a wonderful gift from Aunt Ari and Aunt Crystal. We're going to keep it downstairs so that we have a place for Lancina to sleep during the day.
Lance was very impressed with the pack and play and also a little relieved that Aunt Ang helped put it together as it was not a simple process! I was grateful she was there to educate me on the whole thing and had to stop her several times while putting it together to ask about the purpose of various attachments. I'm still not convinced that we are capable of taking it down and putting it back up without her supervision, but we'll see...this baby gear thing is really complicated for those of us who have had limited hands-on baby exposure for the last 35 years.
Wonder what that means about whether or not we'll be able to figure out the actual baby.
Uncle Scottie also stayed the night on Friday - he was in town working. I think he got a little jealous of all the pregnancy talk and decided to be pregnant himself.
I am feeling good overall - still tired, but very excited. Lancina is as active as ever - she had the hiccups today, and has been kicking around.
She celebrated reaching 37 weeks yesterday by one of her most acrobatic, active days ever. It was even a bit of a challenge to eat because I was so distracted by kneecaps and feet. I think maybe she's getting excited about coming out here.
20 days and counting...