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Thursday, June 29, 2017

MB - Day 4

What late sleepers we have! The kids are so tired at night that they are sleeping in every morning. Cade rolled out of bed at 10:30 today!

We started the day at the Lazy River again - we love the slides and had another great morning there.


The highlight of our day was meeting up with our good friends Jill & Travis and their sweet babes, Carter and Brynn. 

We spent the afternoon at the ocean, and the whole family helped Cade with his newest innovation, building a trench that went all the way to the ocean, in hopes it would still be there tomorrow since the water would have a place to run. And, Carter and Cade were great work buddies:


"It's really coming to life!"


These 2 also came up with a plan to "catch birds"...they laid food all over the beach, resulting in much interest from the sea gulls. They were planning to catch them with these nets:


Lyla loved hanging out with Brynn:


And, it was so good to see Jill:


The kids had a really good time playing in the ocean with Daddy:



No beach vacation is complete without a trip to the Arcade...and the kids had great luck tonight. They rode go carts and hit it big with tickets. We even had a man give us a whole cup of tickets "just because":


Another fantastic day! They're predicting rain tomorrow, but I'm sure we'll find some new adventures for these 2. 

MB - Day 3

"I just want to get up and put regular clothes on and go to the Beach. I have a lot of digging to do, and it's going to take hours."

And this is how Day 3 began. Cade said he couldn't wait to get started, digging his tunnel. We managed to convince him to start the day in the Lazy River, with some ice cream. It was a different truck today and they had something he could eat.


But, right after lunch, we headed downstairs to the Beach to begin our jobs. We laughed because Cade was like everyone's boss: "You need to start digging!"


"We're making a lot of progress," he said.


We were grateful our boss let us take a dinner break, and tonight was homemade ice cream night, a Beach tradition we've had since we discovered Cade's food allergy. This year it was chocolate:


And, then, it was back to the Beach for the evening for more tunnel work.


"This is just amazing! It could be an apartment building, a place where people get married or an exit if there's a hurricane."



Lyla managed to get some ocean time with Daddy:


And sand castle building:


Storming the lifeguard's chair:

And, sweet shower time to clean off all the sand:
We're all holding our breath that the tunnel doesn't disappear before tomorrow because Cade insists there's a lot more work to do, but something tells me we're starting all over again...,

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Myrtle Beach Days 1 & 2

Our vacation has been so busy thus far I haven't had a chance to post. Here are a few photos and quotes. 

Mimi came with us this time. The ride was a bit cramped, but everyone was happy and excited. 

The ride was long, and we did it in one day. It's hard to believe we can drive for just one day and see the ocean. 

The kids remember Myrtle Beach from 2 years ago, or at least they seem to. 

Cade: "They still haven't done anything to fix that building!" 


The kids were crazy to get into the pool/slides the moment we arrived. They were so excited.


Here are a few photos we took from the ocean tonight. 



few of my favorite quotes:

"It's only 6:24 and we already stopped?" Lyla, when we stopped to buy gas before hitting the Gene Snyder 

"Goodbye." -Lyla, going to sleep, after aforementioned gas stop

"If we'd taken a Winnebago we could have taken 10 people." Cade, viewing a huge Winnebago at the gas station

"We got her back there. It may not be easy to get her out." -Lance re: mom's spot in the car

"If we stop at Cracker Barrel, it's automatically a 2 hour stop." -Lance, who hates CB, especially on road trips

Great trip so far!