Lance said Lyla danced for 2 hours straight...she wouldn't stop! She saw several of her friends from school and Girl Scouts. She had a fantastic evening. Here are a few photos I took after Daddy rang the doorbell to pick her up (because all worthy suitors come to the door).
My favorite is this one, which was not posed, I swear:
So, Cade & I had our own date. We went to dinner at Panera, where Cade was a wonderful conversationalist over our meal. We talked about Star Wars, what Ms. Tobe is doing this weekend (probably working at the school, according to Cade) and what God looks like. It was fantastic.
Then, Cade decided to go to Malibu Jacks instead of Chuck E. Cheese (I was so relieved about this). He loved playing games...we won over 400 tickets and the best part was riding go carts...twice. He talked me into a second go around.
These 2 are so much fun! Spending time with them has to be the most gratifying thing I've ever done.