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Friday, July 31, 2015

Bears, Trucks & Sweets

After several trips down the slide this morning, jumping in the pool and swimming practice for Lyla, we headed out to Build a Bear at Lyla's insistence. It was really, really fun.

Cade decided to get a remote control truck in lieu of a bear, which was a perfect decision for him. He loved putting it all together with Daddy:

This boy loves a screwdriver these days.

Lyla was very patient, but not as excited as her brother:

Lyla and I left this truck stuff to Daddy and set out to buy a frozen lemonade and find Build a Bear...we saw these (weird) planters en route:

Lyla was super excited to pick out her bear and put it all together. She chose one of Build a Bear's Honey Girls...the (very) purple lead singer:

She also informed Lance and I that none of the kids cared for the smurfs anymore as she pointed out a bin of unmade "bears" that kids had "changed their minds about". Lyla: "I would change my mind if I had picked this out too." I suppose smurfs are really out of fashion these days.

Incidentally, I showed this photo to Cade later and said I wasn't sure what he was doing in the background. His response: "I know, Mommy, I know what I was doing. I was killing a fly with my hands." Nice.

We dealt with a near disaster when Daddy took Cade into a candy/disco store (It'Sugar) that seemed to amp him up even more than normal. This (see photo below) happened when he ran head first into a shelf as he was trying to show me some candy bar-shaped pillows. Nice. I was relieved that Daddy was there to tell me this was no big deal because it certainly looks like it. Wow.

A sweet day ended in a family tradition that began with Cade's egg allergy diagnosis 2 vacations ago...homemade (egg free) ice cream at the beach:

Sweet, sweet summer days. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Water Slides & Upside Down Houses

Lyla told Cade he couldn't back out of it, and true to his word, Cade woke up this morning and went right down the big slide. He's so determined to do what his Big Sis does! 

We practiced Lyla's swimming all morning, and Daddy & Cade did some putt-putt.

This afternoon we decided to hang out at Broadway at the Beach to check out a cheesy beach attraction - Wonderworks upside down house. It had a few redeeming moments for Lyla & Cade, but is much better suited to older kids. The entrance alone was enough to give Lyla a nightmare or two. 

She was most excited to lay on a bed of nails - she said it was a little prickly on her back, but otherwise "ok":

They also really liked playing piano:

We really loved the Wonderwall exhibit. Guess who was standing behind these hilarious pins:

We ultimately (and happily) left this place as Cade was begging for a slushy. Much better:

Some cheesy rides:

Cade had a complete meltdown when we left. Lyla was frustrated with him saying that she didn't want to get in the car with a "fussy boy". Cade insists he's not tired. So, for the record, here's what "not tired" looks like:

Cade also struck up a relationship with the "maperator" today (aka operator). He loves calling her and asking her how her day is. Mercifully, she seems to enjoy these calls when Lance intercepts the phone:

Our day ended on the beach. The kids are really starting to love playing in the ocean. We have to hold them back from jumping right in. 

Quotes worth quoting today:

In the backseat, Lyla re: a conversation with her brother: "Cade understands me so well."

Cade: "Mommy! I saw a man on a motorcycle with no helmet! He was wearing the wrong clothes too. You wear black clothes on a motorcycle, and he was wearing gray."

Cade: "Are the Sharks going to eat us?"
Me: "No, Cade. We won't be near any sharks and if we were, I wouldn't let it anywhere near you."
Lyla: "Because you love us more than you love yourself?"

Yes, Miss Q., that pretty much sums it up. 

Great day at the beach. Just when you think it can't possibly get any better...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

We're Here!!

It's been a great afternoon at the Beach. We arrived around noon which gave us plenty of time to play in the water before the condo was ready. Lyla and Cade jumped right into the splash park:
Lyla loves getting on the big kid slides and went right up the steps as soon as she could. 
We spent the rest of the afternoon in the lazy river. Cade gets ancy after while, though, and insisted on trying the big kid slide for himself - we went up to the condo before he could do it, so I'm excited to see how tomorrow will go.

Here's the condo - it's a great view of the Atlantic, and it's actually right next door to the condo Aunt Sue and family stayed in last month.

The kids swam so long this afternoon that we were able to lure them to the grocery for the dreaded condo grocery trip - they actually had a great time thanks to these little carts. I really wish Kroger would adopt these:

On to the Beach this evening for some sanding after dinner. Cade is worried that the Sharks might "eat us".

It is so good to be here. I can't believe how much fun these two are!

Almost there!!

We're 45 minutes away from the beach. Lyla and Cade woke up this am at 8:30 and we were on the road around 9. We're so excited to get there!! Cade thinks that every ambulance we pass is one of "Daddy's patients".

On the road activity:
Lyla is very serious about her artwork:
And so is Cade E. Bugg:
I've been recruited to the backseat for the remainder of the trip. 

Watkins Girls "excited hands":
Almost there!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Myrtle Beach 2015

We set out this am for the Beach...despite the stress of packing, getting the house ready and spending almost 10 hours traveling, tonight we're slumbering just 3 hours from our final destination, in Columbia, SC.

The kids had a great day with many of their favorite things along the way: McDonalds & Milkshakes:

Pop rocks:

And some backseat artwork by Lyla:
These babes didn't get in bed until almost 11 pm as we pushed ourselves to make it to Columbia. Fingers crossed that it wasn't a huge mistake. 

Setting out again in the morning!! Can't wait to see the ocean!!