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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Farewell, 2014...

2014 has been a hard ass chemistry teacher who completely overwhelmed you, but ultimately proved to you that you’re made of more than you thought you were when the semester began.  

It’s been an unruly, curvaceous year. 

It’s a year that established that sometimes compromises aren’t possible. Sometimes there really isn’t any such thing as agreeing to disagree. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a stand. And sometimes your faith is so shaken you don’t even know how to pray anymore. 

Alas, every year has golden moments that you want to take with you…moments you want to hold close to your heart and never forget: 

-Cade’s uncontrollable laughter the moment he felt the Atlantic Ocean taking the sand from beneath his toes as he stood there, looking out at the Sea through almost 3 year old eyes. 

-Lyla’s wondrous look of disbelief as she looked at a book and read a word for the first time ever…all by herself.

-A trip to the Dominican Republic that awakened Old Love, Youth and the hope that real friendships do still exist.

-Seeing my baby sister become a Mommy. It’s a sweeter experience than I ever imagined it would be. 

-Turning 40. Celebrating life and feeling so unbelievably fortunate to be surrounded by my sisters and my family and friends. 

-Encountering the lifeboat of unconditional support when I don’t know what I would have done without it. This has reaffirmed my faith in God during a very dark time as I have ridden waves along with people who were able to understand my deepest 2014 struggles in a way that no one else could have. 


2014 has also been epitomized by unbelievable, unfathomable tragedy, broken friendships and parenting challenges we never expected:

1. Sometimes you have to take a stand. And sometimes it isn’t popular. People don’t like it, and they sure as hell don’t understand it. But you have to do it. You have to show yourself, your partner and the rest of the world what you’re willing to take. And what you’re not. 

2. 2014 gave us the faith shaker of a lifetime - the Brice & Briana tragedy was and remains unfathomable. And it’s changed absolutely everything.  I’m trying to figure out how to pray again and what exactly God is doing up there. I have fewer answers than I thought I had before the year began. 

3. There are some bad people out there. They’re cruel. They’re self serving. They’re mean. They betray you. They lie. And sometimes they don’t wear black and look like thieves. It is our job to protect our family from these people, and I’ve learned that when it comes right down to it, it’s eerily simple for us to do exactly what needs to be done.

My Dad once told me that I had what it took to stand up for myself when it matters.

He was right. 

4. It really does take “A Village”, albeit a small, very carefully chosen “Village”. Discovering the strength and unconditional friendship of strong, healthy families has been of immeasurable reassurance to our Family of 4. I’ve learned the importance of identifying who I want to parent with…and that these are deeper, more important relationships than I ever imagined. They are the sustenance of parenthood. 

I just saw a Facebook post that said, “I’m not the person I was when the year began.” Yes. Yes. And Yes. I’m definitely not.  

I won’t be sad when the clock strikes midnight tonight. I will think about the challenging teacher 2014 has been, and how grateful I am that this year, I’m way more thankful for my blessings than I was this time a year ago. 

So, here’s to 2015. Here’s to hope, happiness and the love surrounding our sweet family. 

It’s going to be a good one. IMG 7261

Saturday, December 27, 2014

In Other News...

…this big girl is officially in a Big Girl Carseat!

She just met the minimum weight requirements, and Lyla is now riding in a booster seat. She’s thrilled. 

So, so BIG!!

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

Well - Christmas 2014 won’t go down as the best Christmas in HottFam history, but we made it through…and we made the most of it. Cade developed a fever on the evening of the 23rd, and by Christmas Eve, he was officially diagnosed with the flu. We spent most of the Holiday separated, and Cade managed to enjoy what he could as long as he had his Tylenol and Advil to combat fever. 

Here are a few of Elfie’s adventures this year:

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Lyla and Cade were very sad to see him fly back to the North Pole, and Lyla ultimate sewed him a little travel bag so that he could carry some cookies on his journey. We will miss this sweet elf over the next year. 

Christmas Eve was quiet around here. I spent the evening cuddling with our sick boy while Lance took Lyla to Nan & Nonnie’s. She had a great time with Isa and Bodhi. We were also so happy that Nan & Nonnie brought Cade’s gifts here before the festivities began. He was happy to see them and so sad to miss out on the party. 

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Lyla & Cade were glad to be reunited that evening for Christmas Eve with Mommy & Daddy. We feel so blessed that Lyla never developed Cade’s illness. 

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Christmas morning was its usual flurry of gifts, paper and toys. Here’s the living room after: 

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And, here is Love Bugg between fevers: 

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All in all, it was a make the most of it Christmas. We had to cancel with Mimi and Aunt NaeNah, so we’re looking forward to seeing them in January for even more Christmas. 

So, to commemorate the Holiday in the most positive light possible, here are a few of my favorite Lyla and Cade quotes: 

-Lyla told me she had a secret to tell me on my way out of her room one night before bedtime right before Christmas. She looked at me with serious eyes and said, “Mommy, I’m in love.” 

-Cade, right before drifting off to sleep recounted his favorite part of the movie “Chippy”, which is about an elf: “Mommy, you know that boy in the movie? That was really funny when he wanted to name his elf ‘stinky pants’”.

-Cade: “Mommy, I want pants with pockets.” Incidentally, this quote began a new Cade demand in which he insists on wearing pants with pockets and belt loops on a daily basis so that he can more convincingly play “fix it man”.

-Lyla found a rock outside on a balmier day before the Holiday and insisted it was an egg and not a rock. She put it in its own special bed, complete with pillow and blanket and said that she was going to wait for it to hatch. After several hours of absolutely no movement or progress toward hatching, Cade stated, “Mommy, it’s not hatching. I think it’s just a rock."

-Lyla, prior to descending the stairs to look at her Santa gifts: “I should brush my hair and teeth first…"

-Lyla to Cade re: being sick on Christmas: “I know what it feels like, Cade. I felt that way too when I didn’t get to go to Boo at the Zoo."

-Lyla re: Cade on Christmas Day: “Well, this sickness isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought you would be on the couch all day, Cade."

-Cade, while in “break down mode” on Christmas morning: “I don’t want any of my toys! I’m done!"

-Cade: “Play with me. You haven’t played fix it man with me in years!"

-Cade: “I really want a baby, Mommy. Oh yeah, I forgot, Daddy and Lyla are allergic to babies."

-Lyla: “Grown-ups shouldn’t go out. They should stay at home and play with their kids."

These two are amazing little lights. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Gingerbread House Fun!

We love the Gingerbread House tradition at the kids’ preschool - it’s one of the most wonderful things about welcoming the Season. This was Cade’s first time decorating a house, and the staff did a tremendous job accommodating his allergy. 

Cade’s house was a bit of a monstrosity - it fell in within the first few minutes, partially because he insisted on throwing all the candies inside instead of using them to decorate…and there are no egg whites in his “glue”. 

So happy it worked out for Daddy to be there! Cade had a hard time with us leaving when he went back with his class, but Ms. Jennifer said that after a few tears, he got it together and did just fine. This is major progress!

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It’s hard to believe that this is Lyla’s last gingerbread decorating day. We have all come to really love this tradition, and her class was all super focused on creating the perfect house: 

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Again, it was so great to have Lance there - it’s hard for him to get up sometimes to come to these things after working a crazy shift, but it makes us appreciate it all so much more: 

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Monday, December 8, 2014

The Fairy Princess and Other Christmas Magic

I really don’t know if Christmas can get any better than this year, ages 3 & 5. Everything, and I mean everything, is pure magic to these two. 

Today we went to the Galt House Christmas festivities, and we were so lucky because we were the only ones there in the middle of the day - one of the advantages to Lance working such odd hours. The kids were literally awed by every bit of it: 

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Lyla was so looking forward to an encounter with the Snow Fairy Princess, and it was an unforgettable moment for us all. Here, Lyla and Cade are getting to making a wish for the first snow: 

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Our sweet girl was moved by the snow fairy, who I think is one of the most special people we’ve encountered. I’m so thankful for the special attention she gave Lyla today. 

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Lyla worked diligently to create the perfect snow flake card for the Fairy..she was so intent to do just this that she insisted on returning to the snow fairy’s castle before we left to make another card and hand deliver it to the Snow Fairy. The Fairy was obviously very touched by this and gave Lyla a special pink tiara comb in a white tulle bag. She said that she doesn’t give these to all the little girls - just the ones she knows have such a “kind heart”. 

It was a special moment for Lyla, and I’m so proud of her. 

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Here, they are riding the train - it was funny because Cade started in a car of his own, but hopped out of it the moment he saw Lyla in a different car…he wanted to be right with her: 

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Naughty Cade E. Bugg always finds something to get into - in this case, a trunk he instead on closing himself in: 

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Lyla the Snow Fairy Princess: 

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Me & Miss Q.:

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At the end of our visit, we had the chance to see the elves in action, but not before some Elf Games that Lyla & Cade got to play first. They had a great time. Cade was so impressed with the Elves’ dancing that he couldn’t take his eyes off their feet once they got started. 

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Lyla wanted to take a picture with the elves. She’s very proud of her candy cane as it was a prize for answering a question correctly - we were very impressed when she yelled out “Advent Calendar” correctly to one of the elves’ questions. Also of note here, the second elf to the right is Chip, and he says he is Elfie’s ex-college roommate - they went to EU together (Elf University). We were thrilled to meet someone who personally knows our Elf!

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Christmas with these two is magical. Really. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Celebrating #5!

We had a great time celebrating Lyla’s 5th. It’s been the never-ending birthday, culminating in a cupcake celebration with her class the Monday she returned after Thanksgiving. 

For her big day, she received her beloved Bitty Twins - her first American Dolls. 

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I think they look just like her and Cade: 

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Here are some of my favorites from her party at school - Cade and I were invited to the last few minutes of class to celebrate. Look how happy she is: 

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And, here is her beloved class. Lyla LOVES these kids - they’re like a sweet little family - she literally cries if she has to stay home from school. I love the love in this photo: 

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Sweet kids. Sweet memories. 

Happy 5th, Miss Q!