Well, so far, December has been filled with several hilarious moments, as our babies head into the sweetest childhood experience of all: discovering the magic of Christmas.
The hilarity of our month is epitomized in the photo below, chosen by us not because it was the best picture, but because we thought it was the most funny. Lyla took the experience of meeting Santa very seriously – she was focused throughout her conversation with him, making sure to convey the importance of her 2 biggest wishes this Season: Stomp Shoes (seen on a grocery shopping trip at Kroger) and a jump rope (discovered at the Watts Family Thanksgiving celebration at Aunt Naenee’s house). You can see the determination in her face.
And, Cade, well…he was okay with Santa because his hero (aka as Waa,Waa to him) was okay with Santa. I think he actually sort of liked him.
All in all, we absolutely love this photo.
In a word: Priceless.
Elfie rejoined our family Thanksgiving night. Lyla was thrilled to discover him in Daddy’s Christmas stocking, along with striped, matching pj’s for them both. Of course, they had to wear them to bed that night.
Elfie seems to have a one-track mind – he gets stuck on something and can’t let go. His first agenda was getting our Christmas Tree decorated. Daddy brought it up from the basement and then worked several nights – so it couldn’t adorn its shatter proof ornaments (for Cade of course) until Daddy had a few days off. So, Elfie became fixated on getting it decorated himself.
First, he started gathering ornaments and carrying them on Cade’s dump truck:
Then, he got the lights out…
Then, when he finally located the shatterproof ornaments, he hung from the light trying to put them on himself:
Once our tree was decorated (only the top half of course, due to our “destroyer” named Cade), Eflie has moved on to more mischief. Here, he decided to do some decorating of his own:
He even tried to take over Mommy’s stocking one night:

He likes to leave messages for the kids sometimes, using a little sugar of course:
It says, “Be Good, L & C” if you can’t read it:

Here, he delivered a nativity scene to Lyla & Cade:
And, there was the day he was really tempted to eat Lyla’s beloved gingerbread house she decorated at preschool:
We never know what he’s going to do next, but we can’t wait to see. Lyla says he’s a very naughty elf!
Stay tuned.