Thanksgiving started a little early for us this year – we were so happy to have an overnight visit from Uncle Robbie and Auntie Shana who were on their way to Pittsburgh to spend the Holiday with Robbie’s brother and sister-in-law and their “new” baby, Logan.
We were all sad about Shana and Robbie not making it for the Watts’ Thanksgiving this year, so we felt really lucky to get to spend the night with them. Lyla was especially happy about it – we think she’s in love with Uncle Robbie. At one point, she clearly said, “Robbie..”, and at bedtime, she pushed Auntie Shana aside so that she could be carried upstairs by Uncle Robbie.
She was also saying, “Shana” by the end of the visit: "Nae-Nah”, and was whispering this as the two of them headed off early Thursday morning:

After Shana & Robbie left, our Thanksgiving Day began with a visit to the Hospital to see Grandma Hottman, who was admitted last night. It was good to see her, although we were sad she wasn’t going to be at the family gathering.
We spent Thanksgiving Day at the Hottman’s this year, and it was a lot of fun to get to see some of our baby friends. Lyla had fun running around the Hottman basement, checking out Grandpa Don’s 50s tree and eating her first Thanksgiving dinner. I think she most enjoyed the sweet potatoes – they were a lot different than the ones she regularly gets for dinner.
Lyla is also trying to say “Turkey” after discovering a crocheted turkey Carrie left for me after her visit. She also shared her toys with her cousins, who all enjoyed playing before dinner. We are amazed at how big Blaire is getting – she is officially moving around now! She’s definitely holding her own with the older girls – she’ll be crawling soon!
We left a little early so Daddy could get home to sleep before his 10 pm night shift. We felt very fortunate that we were able to spend most of the day with him. It was a rainy day, but we feel very blessed.
We love our family and were so grateful to be together.
Here are pics: